
Winner of Rebellion's 'Technical Excellence Award' at Gamebridge 2024, Elemental Conquest is an open-world action JRPG game that invites players to explore and interact with varied environments, battle dangerous opponents, and solve puzzles using nine special elementally-themed attacks.
This game was created for my final honours project for my ART410 module at Abertay University within a development period of around seven months and showcases my experience in level design, enemy design and AI, programming, and VFX implementation.
Elemental Conquest features nine special attacks that the player can earn throughout the game, each of which offer unique uses for both gaining a tactical edge in combat and unlocking new methods to explore the three lands. Using these attacks grants the player special attributes for a set duration of time with new strengths and weaknesses against the foes they take on to further encourage strategic play.
I was inspired to create this game to incentivize players to use multiple attacks and try at different playstyles. When I played through other similarly-styled games, I found myself repeatedly executing only a couple of attacks rather than taking advantage of everything those games had to offer. As such the focus of Elemental Conquest is to encourage and reward the usage of all the attacks in the game for both combat and exploration.
Gameplay Video & Screenshots/Gifs

Development Portfolio