
Created for Abertay's DES308 Data & Analytics module, Explosion Run is a recreation of my very first Unity project in which the player uses explosions to propell themselves through a 2D platformer.
The player is given two shots to launch themselves as far as possible however, these shots also return when landing to encourage players to think about how they should position and launch themselves to get the best times possible instead of simply blasting through every level.
As this module was centered around data handling, this game was connected to Unity Analytics to allow me to track how players interacted with the game from how often they died, how many times players got the collectable in each levelĀ and the average time completion for the levels. This alongside more direct methods of data gathering such as feedback forms and questionnaires gave me the information to better improve the game such as changing the final level order or the placement of objects.
Gameplay Video & Screenshots